The Intentional Destruction of White Birth Rates: Leaked reports from Planned Parenthood, the Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, US NSC (incl. CIA, military etc.)

A declassified trio of documents, all produced around 1970, prove that White birth rates have been intentionally destroyed throughout the West. You can find the full reports online at the following links, but highlighted versions are included at the end of this short article:
1. Population Planning, United Nations’ World Bank (1972)
2. Implications of Worldwide Population Growth (‘The Kissinger Report’), US National Security Council (includes CIA, military, etc.) (1974)
3. Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S (‘The Jaffe Memo’), Planned Parenthood on behalf of John D. Rockefeller’s Population Council (1969)
The reports explicitly detail techniques to intentionally reduce the birth rates of a population. Almost all of these techniques have been openly implemented throughout the West, excluding one or two of the most extreme options (e.g. forced sterilization), which they may attempt to implement covertly or through a trojan horse.
This means that the Replacement Migration agenda was a stereotypical Problem-Reaction-Solution:
>Globalists want to transform White civilization into multi-racial-mixed-race civilization.
>Globalists intentionally destroy White birth rates via techniques documented below.
>Globalists tell us that we need mass migration of non-Whites to “fix” our birth rates.
>Globalists get their multi-racial society.
Key points found throughout all documents include:
- Contraception to be made easily and readily available
- Expand range of contraceptives available
- Position water with chemical birth control
- Promote and encourage sterilization
- “Indoctrination” of children
- Use state education to promote a family limitation message
- Use non-state propaganda to shrink “ideal family size” in public image
- Encourage homosexuality
- Delay the age of marriage (via social pressure or law)
- Encourage women to work and seek higher education
- Encourage women to be politically active
- Discourage private home ownership (encourage renting)
- Taxation and income redistribution
Why Do Women Die During Abortion?
Introducing today’s article and Dr Donna Harrison
The news that the US Supreme Court may reverse Roe versus Wade raises a huge question: is legal abortion a threat to life or just like you “get your bunions done”? Leading British gynaecologist Prof Lesley Regan made the bunions comparison in 2017 see here
Sadly, information long suppressed by abortionists shows women die during abortion and also women die years after from abortion complications. Few know more about this than gynaecologist Dr Donna Harrison MD. Dr Harrison is based in Michigan, USA.

How surgical abortion damages women’s organs
The physical bond between a woman and her preborn child involves a growing network of intertwining blood vessels – the placenta. The placenta is designed to separate from the mother after delivery of the baby.
However, most elective abortions are done early in pregnancy when the risk of retained placenta is very high. If placental tissue is left behind, there is a high risk of infection. That is why most surgical abortions involve not just removal of the fetus but also a suction curettage trying to scrape the placenta from the lining of the womb.
If an abortionist scrapes too gently, fetal tissue will be left and infection will follow. Mother of 5, Sarah Louise Dunn need not have died during abortion sepsis in 2020 see here If the abortionist scrapes too deeply, the lining of the womb can be damaged, and the womb itself can be perforated with subsequent damage to the mother’s bowels or bladder.
Unfortunately, retained fetal tissue can result in chronic inflammation. As well as this, forced dilation of the cervix by the surgeon can damage the cervix – the ‘exit’ – from the womb. This can result in the womb letting go of the next baby meaning very preterm birth in following pregnancies.[i] [ii]
Higher risks with the abortion pill
Chemical abortion (Pill abortion), recently permitted for home abortion in the UK, is done with mifeprex and misoprostol. These can also result in haemorrhage and infection – but more often. In fact, the incidence of retained tissue and the need for emergency surgical completion after mifeprex abortion prior to 9 weeks of pregnancy is four times greater than the risk for surgical abortion.[iii]

Women’s mortality rates following first pregnancy outcome at 180 days and during each of first to tenth years after pregnancy ends.
(Data points from Reardon DC, Coleman PK. Short and long-term mortality rates associated with first pregnancy outcome: Population register based study for Denmark 1980-2004. Med Sci Monit. 2012;18(9): PH71 PH76. Table 1 with 180-day data from Table 2.)
Chemical abortion raises risks of severe bleeding
For women after 13 weeks gestation, one out of every three using a mifeprex abortion will need surgical completion to remove retained tissue or stop massive haemorrhaging.[iv]
Haemorrhage was one of the most common adverse events reported to the FDA in the US after the use of mifepristone. [v] [vi] Some of these women required 5- 10 units of blood and blood products to survive. That is similar to the blood losses seen in major motor vehicle accidents.[vii] Why? Mifepristone increases the risk of haemorrhage by directly interfering with the ability of the spiral arteries in the womb to contract.[viii] And spiral artery contraction is how a woman stops bleeding after the placenta is removed.
Higher infection risk using chemical abortion
Equally concerning is that both mifepristone[ix] [x] and misoprostol[xi] can suppress a woman’s immune system, making her extremely vulnerable to overwhelming infections. This is what happened to the women who died from overwhelming infections due to a common soil bacteria called Clostridium sordellii. Misoprostol administered through either the vagina or in the cheek (buccal) has led to deaths from C. sordellii.[xii]
So we have seen that death by bleeding or infection are both risks intrinsic to the abortion procedure itself. The later in the abortion, the higher the risk of both. And both are more common in drug-induced abortion than in surgical abortion.
Women need not die of ignorance
One of the total contraindications for inducing an abortion is ectopic pregnancy – a situation where the pregnancy is growing outside of the uterus, most often in a woman’s tubes. Neither surgical abortion nor mifeprex abortion regimens treat ectopic pregnancy.
An untreated ectopic pregnancy can grow until the woman’s tube ruptures and she dies from haemorrhaging inside her abdomen. Approximately 3% of pregnancies are ectopic. The problem is that a rupturing ectopic pregnancy feels exactly like the symptoms that a woman experiences with a mifeprex abortion: abdominal pain and bleeding.
Women in the U.S. have bled to death from a rupturing ectopic pregnancy after they were told that their pain and bleeding was normal…they should just take Tylenol (paracetamol) and go to bed. These women’s deaths should have been avoided. The abortionist should have taken the time to actually make the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy as required by good medical practice.
In conclusion
About one-in-five women using the abortion pill will have a serious complication of bleeding, infection or tissue left in the womb. These may involve the hospital and there is a risk to life.[1] Home abortion where women are easily coerced to abort, often alone and can die without being able to call for help is especially dangerous.
Britain reported two deaths soon after the chemical abortion, for home abortion was introduced in 2020.[2]
Donna Harrison is CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the largest non-sectarian pro-life medical organization in the world. They provide evidence-based information about the effects of elective abortion on both the pregnant mother and her unborn child.