Short Answer


Gender dysphoria (previously known as Gender Identity Disorder) in young children is very rare, about 8 in 100,000 according to Dr. Miriam Grossman (USA statistics).

In the UK, accepted child referrals to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) increased by 1,360% over the seven-year period to 2016. According to their statistics, they accepted referrals of 1,373 under-18s in 2015-16, including 275 aged 12 or under. This compares to just 94 in 2009-2010.

Long Answer

“While we’re seeing an unprecedented rise in referrals to the service – we have to keep this in perspective. Against current census data, around 0.01% or one in 10,000 young people, are referred to our highly specialised service. Not all of those will fulfil the criteria for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and not all of those will decide to transition.”

Melanie Phillips has observed that:-
“Gender politics is all about subjective feelings. It has nothing to do with fairness or equality. It embodies instead an extreme egalitarianism which holds that any evidence of difference is a form of prejudice.” She adds “We can all predict what will happen. Gender fluidity will be actively promoted as just another lifestyle choice. Under the commendable guise of stopping the minute number of transgender children being bullied, the rest of the class will be bullied into accepting the prescribed orthodoxy — that gender is mutable, and any differentiation in value between behaviour or attitudes is bigoted and prohibited. The intention is to break down children’s sense of what sex they are and also wipe from their minds any notion of gender norms.” (emphasis added)

The Global Sexual Revolution and the Assault on Freedom and Family, Gabriele Kuby, Catholic World report, 8 September 2014,, accessed 12 April 2018.

Kuby G. The Global Sexual Revolution: destruction of freedom in the name of freedom, LifeSite, first published in English 2015. For further information about the book, see Gabriele Kuby’s The Global Sexual Revolution: a must-read book in defence of the family, 15 December 2015,, accessed 12 April 2018.

Miriam Grossman, MD: Testimony Against California Senate Bill 48, 2013, accessible via

Gender Identity Development Service statistics,, accessed 16 April 2018.

What does a doubling in referrals to our Gender Identity Development Service mean about how society’s view of gender is shifting?, Polly Carmichael, Gender Identity Development Service Director and Consultant Clinical Psychologist, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, 12 May 2016. Published at

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